Where else but at home?

When will I ever learn to blog in Word and copy to the New Entry form???

Ok…I'm going to try this again.

Where ELSE but at home…
This week we've been studying the human body.  Tuesday we talked about skeletons.  We learned there are 206 bones in the human body and over 300 when we were born and 26 bones in our hands.  Then we drew our hands and feet on a sheet of craft paper and colored our skeletons.  Here's a look…

Then I had to laugh as baby girl added her personality to into our artwork.  Where else but homeschool can a girl color herself while sitting on top of the kitchen table?  I'd say we accomplished art, gymnastics and science all in the same moment!  What do you think?

(don't you love sweet baby feet?????)


  1. MSAcademy says:

    Oh how precious!!!! I loved these photos, especially the tiny feet. You’ve just got to scrapbook that photo! = )

  2. How cute!!

  3. ChathamMommy says:

    (You’re supposed to blog in another program first? Oh, that explains so much! *laughter*)

    What adorable pictures! It looks like something my 3DS2 would do to himself (with his brothers egging him on). I really like the first skeleton… I think your son has artistic promise. Ah, I like all of it. Heh.

    Want to come do this with my sons? 😉

  4. Jedi4sweet says:

    Now THESE are some priceless sights!!!! = ) Love it, love it, love it!!!!!!!! : ) You Rock Julie!! = )

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