Spiderman lives (in southeast US)

Spiderman lives!!!!

Have you seen him flying around your neighborhood????
If you see him, send him home.  Lunch is ready.


  1. He is the cutest Spider Man i have ever seen !!!!!!

  2. SupComTabz says:

    I want a spiderman outfit! Ha!

  3. launching5arrows says:

    Ever time I see a kid in a spiderman suit I think of my nephew……adorable pic!!

  4. tn3jcarter says:

    Spiderman must have a twin because I thought he lived at MY house. Jon & Luke would have such fun playing together. And don’t you remember my boys with the ramps for the bikes & skateboards when you all lived next door? It’s so much fun to watch yours grow up and go through those phases.

    Love you all!

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