Archives for March 2006

Each child seperately

I think there are decisions we make for our families that apply for each member in the family….certain behavior has certain consequences, maybe traditions like “we always have dinner together.”  But then there are the decisions we make based upon each child, their makeup and personality as well as how that fits into the family as a whole.

Last year I know God wanted #1 son at Montessori school.  And I'm also sure God had many reasons.  Some I will never know.  As this school year draws to a close I continue to feel as if God is preparing me and telling me He wants my son at home next year.  Some of the struggle he's had with school I wonder if it's more about school struggling with him.

My son loves to sing.  God has put a song in his heart since he was knee high to a grasshopper (if you can't tell what part of the country I live in from that statement you need a geography/lingo lesson).  He loves to sing.  He'll sing anything.  He's 7 and still likes Barney because of all the singing in it. 

I don't think the school enjoys hearing my son sing the way I do.  I mean, he is MY son.  And I'm the one who knows God put that song into his heart.  I love that about him.  Yes, he can't sing everywhere and there are times singing is inappropriate BUT he can sing most everywhere.  Maybe if more of us sang EVERYWHERE we wouldn't encounter so many crabby people.

Yep, time to nurture his God Given sweet little personality at home.  Time to bring him back into the fold.  I miss him.

So when I begin to say “What was I thinking??” next year as I'm struggling through homeschooling three rambunctious boys and a toddling little sister…..remind me of this post, will ya??

julie  (update on babygirl….still not walking)


My middle son and my pastor’s daughter.  Just how am I going to keep this one from dating until he’s 30?

My oldest is now interested in bike ramps.  Thankfully, they are not too big yet.

Today my hubbie left.  I stayed home from bible study and got some much needed rest.  I had the chance to get a baby sitter so I opted for sleep instead of spiritual nourishment.  Baby girl, who’s leg is still will not support her walking, has been a little pain the last few days.  She played with the baby sitter and I slept.  When the “mommy factor” is out of the picture she is quite content.  Add mommy and it all goes south.

I couldn’t stomach cooking tonight so we all went out to eat.  Baby girl screamed whenever she wasn’t in my lap but we managed to make it through dinner.  AND someone else had to clean up!!!

Have a good night.

Spiderman lives (in southeast US)

Spiderman lives!!!!

Have you seen him flying around your neighborhood????
If you see him, send him home.  Lunch is ready.

Baby Girl

For all of you who have asked BABY GIRL is a little better today but still will not walk.  She's tried a crawling/leg dragging thing but seems to still be hurting quite a bit.  The mommy factor is definitely in play.  I can't leave her or put her down and she must constantly be touching me.  Please continue to pray for her quick healing. 

On a lighter note my hubbie and I sent friends of ours for an overnight date.  It was a thank you for all they do for us.  So we put them up in this nice hotel, kept the kids and all that jazz.  Come to find out the hotel where they stayed has paper thin walls and the guys next door seemed to be having an all night “you know what”.  Can you imagine?  How embarrassing!

Oh well.  It's the thought that counts, huh?

One doozie of a day

It's Sunday.  Thank the good Lord my hubbie is home.  The night ended with a trip to the ER for baby girl.  She fell today and hurt her leg and will not stand on it.  She is so pitiful.  It's swollen and nicely discolored.  Unsure whether or not it was broken we finally took her for x-rays about 8pm (she fell around 4 this afternoon).  My husband is such a dear.  He knows I hate the ER and so he “took a hit for the team” as he calls it and sat there with her tonight.  It actually seemed like a pretty quick trip.  They don't think it's broken but will have the radiologist look at it in the morning.  They sent her home with some pain medicine so I hope she sleeps well. 
Anyone know how to keep a 2 year old still?  Tomorrow should be interesting!!

Today's Field Trip and Nature Hike

Today we visited the World of Energy at the Oconee Nuclear Plant.  I learned a lot whether my kids did or not.  I love the homeschool outings where there are 3 moms and 12 kids.  Oh, the looks we get!!!  Here are some pictures from today….

This is how thick the wall are that surround the containment building of the nuclear reactor.

The mama toad we found.  We think she was getting ready to lay eggs.  We played for a while in the cold mountain stream.

This one is for Julie Persons!!!!!  You go Julie!!

Where else but at home?

When will I ever learn to blog in Word and copy to the New Entry form???

Ok…I'm going to try this again.

Where ELSE but at home…
This week we've been studying the human body.  Tuesday we talked about skeletons.  We learned there are 206 bones in the human body and over 300 when we were born and 26 bones in our hands.  Then we drew our hands and feet on a sheet of craft paper and colored our skeletons.  Here's a look…

Then I had to laugh as baby girl added her personality to into our artwork.  Where else but homeschool can a girl color herself while sitting on top of the kitchen table?  I'd say we accomplished art, gymnastics and science all in the same moment!  What do you think?

(don't you love sweet baby feet?????)

Things that make life easier

Every once in a while you stumble onto an idea that really makes life easier.  Like OreoSouza’s Cleaning Technique
that she got from Indianamom.

Well, here is ours.

My husband bought this “nifty” soap and shampoo dispenser at Home Depot the other day for $9 and some change.  He loves gadgets and this one works great for us.  Now the boys can not dump the entire bottle of body wash in the tub to make bubbles! OOPS (or so they say).

The buttons are easy to push and “just the right amount” of soap comes out.  I have two different flavors in each side.  Don’t tell them, they think it’s actually shampoo and soap.  We’re still at the age we use that all over body wash that doesn’t cause tears.  I think Suave’s only 1.00.

Of course since the kiddos had something in their shower we had to too.  This one was about $20something.   Not only does my husband love this nifty little dispenser but it helps him to save on the amount of shampoo he uses.  Just two squirts (so I’m told) and he’s good.

Now, if I can just get one full of Mary Kay Cleanser……


Anniversary Gift….Performance Evaluation Part II

2005 Objectives continued:

Communication:         Exceeds All Expectations

Julie is an excellent communicator. You never have to guess how she is feeling, which most people find refreshing. Recently, Julie very effectively communicated her open dis-pleasure with our neighbors and how she prayed that God would relocate them with a great job.(We have unfriendly neighbors that I want to move so a family with a boat load of kids can move in…purely selfish motives) Julie also has grown in expressing her love and admiration of her less than deserving husband.

Compassion:               Exceeds All Expectations

Julie has a rapidly growing compassionate nature. She consistently demonstrates compassion to her children and pets. The true measure of compassion can be observed by the love and adoration seen in the eyes of her children and spouse.

360 Degree Feedback Section

This section of the evaluation provides specific feedback from clients

Son#1:  “I like playing with Mom. She’s really cool. I also like it when she gives me lots of sugar.”

Son#2:  “I like it when Mom spends special time with me.”

Son#3:  “I like having special time with Mom, especially when she gets me a toy! I like going out with Mom to get a new pen and eraser.”

Baby Girl:   Note:A professional baby talk translator was required for this section.

“Mommy, you’re the best! I’m so glad there is another girl in the house. I’m so over this whole Pee Pee thing. I don’t get all of the fuss. I look forward to long weekends with you spending most of Dad’s money. I love what you did to my room. It’s so me, with a special mommy touch that only you can give. Thanks for teaching me how to be a strong, sensitive southern girl.”

Sparky (our dog)  I love Julie. She seems to love me too. She and son#2 picked me! She organized a posse to rescue me from certain death, complete with a cool poster and everything (Sparky got lost once and so we had to do the whole “Lost Dog” thing). I’m a bit high strung, but she consistently protects me from the wrath of the Alpha Male. Thanks Julie!

Little Kitty (our huge yellow tabby cat)  Julie has allowed me to eat my way into the fat cat that I am today. She encourages me to get on the counter and eat the Alpha Male’s BBQ chicken as often as I want. She also coaches me on quick escape maneuvers that have certainly extended my life span.

Louie  (our normal to skinny sized yellow tabby cat)  Julie feeds me and cleans out my litter box routinely. She encourages me to eat more due to my frail appearance. I’m the elder pet and Julie gives me special allowances. Although she acts like she doesn’t like it, I think deep down she is proud of my ability to catch and eat small animals.

Peanut (foster cat)    Does anyone need a cat?????  Julie, much to the dismay of the alpha male of the house, has embraced my presence in the Worthy home. In fact, there is a high probability that I will become a permanent resident. The Alpha Male has offered free rides in his truck to an undisclosed location, but Julie has counseled me to avoid such invitations. Thanks Julie!

Fish (name unknown)  For the most part, I like Julie. I can’t speak for my friends because they are no longer with us. She feeds us most days and cleans out the fish poop. Yeah, she’s alright in my little fish book.  (I've killed all the other fish that have come into our house.)

Overall Assessment:  Julie is the hardest work mom and wife in the universe. She deserves more adoration than I am capable of giving. She is a God-given blessing to my life and all who meet her. She is the MVP for the Worthy Clan. She could never be replaced and the whole operation would collapse without her.

Signatures:  (Here my husband had everyone sign the evaluation and did stamps of the dog and the cats….it was so cute)

Hubbie-Self appointed President of the Worthy Clan

Son #1- Emotional, loving clone of hubbie

Son#2-Designated family negotiator

Son#3-resident Rascal

Baby Girl- The Chosen One who brings balance to
the force

Little Kitty- Fattest cat in Liberty and possibly the state of South Carolina

Louie- Sickly looking cat

Peanut- Foster kitty living on borrowed time

Fish- Nervous looking aquatic creature…and for good reason

Jesus- CEO of the Worthy Clan. Unavailable for a signature, but loves Julie with His life

My Anniversary Gift…..My Performance Evaluation….Part ONE

As promised here is Part One of my sweeties anniversary gift.  If you remember my pity party you'll see just how thoughful this is.  I'll post the rest at a later date since it's a little lengthy and I like short blog entries.

Enjoy!  Julie


Employee:  Julie Worthy

Title:   Princess of our home

            Director of Homeland Operations

            Queen Bride & Mother

Date of Hire:  March 2, 1996 (when we got married)       

Review period:  January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005



2005 Objectives

Section 1

Comment on the following, providing specific examples of strengths and areas needing improvement during this review period.

 Maintaining Homeland Operations: 

 Overall rating:           Exceeds All Expectations

Julie consistently operates at a high level. Her ability to run home operations is second to none. She consistently ensures that finances are in order and that major home catastrophes are avoided and/or managed. She is truly amazing. Rarely are lives in danger and if they are, Julie always encourages the family that we will all be in heaven anyhow.

 Provide nurture and care to home residents:
Overall rating:           Exceeds All Expectations

Comments:  Julie’s caring nature makes everyone smile. She consistently provides loving care to the children and pets, maybe with exception of the family fish, which no one really cares about anyhow. She rarely forgets to feed the kids and up to this point, has not followed through with death threats. Additionally, Julie sings to the kids at night with a voice like that of an angel.

Develop Community Support Systems: 

Overall rating:           Exceeds All Expectations


Julie demonstrates excellent ability to develop support systems that help her meet the demanding requirements of being a stay-at-home mom. Everyone who meets Julie walks away impressed with her honestly and geniuses. Julie is also an outstanding blogger. As blogging goes, one can rate one’s blogging ability based on posted comments and Julie averages 5.687 comments per blogg entry. This is a very impressive trend and one that is envied by all.

 Core Competency Section


Overall rating:           Exceeds All Expectations
Julie is off the chart in multi-tasking skills. She recently managed to cook dinner, paint the house, pick up kids from school, fight with her husband, fold a thousand pounds of laundry, dress herself and the rest of the family, tolerate her husband and kids in the bookstore, restrain herself from throwing sharp edged objects with the intent to do harm to her husband, all within the span of two hours…amazing!

 Courage under fire:   Exceeds All Expectations

Julie is very steady under fire, which happens on an hourly basis. Julie routinely squares off with incompetent computer technicians, resulting in brand new replacement components. She also fends off all and any people or forces who mean harm to our family, which usually means drawing clear boundaries against intrusive and over-bearing in-law types.
