Our Beach Trip

Not only did I get to meet a fellow homeschool blogger on my trip to the coast but we also had a wonderful time visiting my friend Sandy.  It's so nice when there are friends you keep up with regardless of where the two of you live.  I originally met Sandy and her husband when we lived in Hopkinsville, KY about 7 years ago.  We've been great friends ever since. 

We found a crab on the beach and I rescued him from certain death by finding another crab that was dead for us to pry out of his shell and let my kids see what it looked like.

The Alive Crab…we took him back to the house in a bag of water so we could watch him for a few days.  And to be honest, I'm not sure what happened to him after that.

The Dead Crab…we never could get him completely out of the shell.  His little tail must have been hanging on for dear life.

Our dead jellyfish we fished out of the sand.  It's the reddish thing in the middle.  We had a blast messing around with it.

Nothing is sweeter than a child's wild abandon on the beach.

My boys!!

Sifting through our discoveries from the beach/ocean

This is me and my friend Sandy when we went on a walk with the boys on their bikes.

I tried to Photoshop 20 pounds off of myself but it didn't work.  Oh well.  Guess I'll eventually have to exercise.


  1. Julie, you are so funny! I don’t know how to edit off the weight either. Bummer, because I’d like an after picture to motivate me before I reach the after LOLOL….

    Your beach trip looks so fun! All your pictures look fun and your kids are precious. You take nice photos.


  2. What a treasure filled day!!! Great homeschool projects, science….and good friends. What a joy! Loved the pictures….(and why do you think there are no full shots of darling me? 4 kids babyweight….that’s why!)

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thanks so much for your kindness when I was a newbie blogger. I think it was yours and KLEO's hospitality that convinced me to keep blogging. It's become such a blessing in my life. I've really been enriched by meeting this network of women. BTW, I love all of your sea creatures 🙂 The boys must have loved all the slimy learning. I read your last post too and that has got to be one of the greatest blessings a Mom can have to know that your sons are dedicating their hearts to the Lord.

    Much love in Him,

    Your greatest photography fan

    Edited by kindredspiritMom on Mar. 29, 2006 at 5:32 PM

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for sharing your Blog Buddy Story. You & Whirlwind are our winners. Go check it out. a href='http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/HSBCompanyBlog/139345/'>Blog Buddy Winners!</a>



    Edited by HSBCompanyBlog on May. 23, 2006 at 9:38 AM

  5. HSBCompanyBlog says:

    I’m learning how to make links clickable – let’s see if this works.

    Blog Buddy Winners!


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