One of those days

It's been one of those days.  I woke up ill and stayed that way most of the day.  I've heard “MOM” 10,000 times today, or so it seems.  Even though I got 2 hours away for yoga this morning my mood today has been something akin to toilet water.  I don't like it when I feel like a grump.  So even though I don't want to dump all my whining and complaining on you I want you to know I've had one of those days.  School today consisted of karate tonight and that's all.  No writing, no math, no nothing. 
Guess there's always tomorrow…..
Ms. GrumpolaIneedtolose20pounds

More pictures from our beach trip……
<embed src=”” loop=”false” menu=”false” quality=”high” FlashVars=”img1=” wmode=”transparent” bgcolor=”#ffffff” width=”400″ height=”302″ name=”photoFlick” align=”middle” allowScriptAccess=”sameDomain” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” pluginspage=””></embed>


  1. I think it was Mamaduso that was having a day JUST like yours. So I told her that I didn’t do school today as well…and spring break is NEXT week for us. Oh well. It just started earlier here.


    computersurfingkidsrunningwildtodayneedtoloose 23lbsmama.

  2. kindredspiritMom says:

    I am sorry you had one of those days. I hope you get a good night sleep and feel like a new woman tomorrow. Can’t help you with the 20lbs ~ I think I’ve been getting all the weight the blubber bloggers are losing right on my midrift and beyond if you know what I mean! I am hoping that the Spring will inspire more outside exercise instead of my aerobic running to the oven for cookies…

    Hugs and prayers,


  3. Hey I certainly know how you feel. I have days like that sometimes. The kids have grown up so much and I don’t even know the name of the baby girl. You probably wouldn’t recognize my three either. Boy, I miss talking to you and your family as well as many of the other people that have floated through my life over the last few years. I would love to hear from you but I understand how busy a mother homeschooler can be. I finally found meal plan that I can live with because I hate “diets”. “8 Minutes in the Morning”

    Lisa Embry

  4. Praying that tomorrow will be a brighter day for you!

    I love your pictures.

    Julie D.

  5. MSAcademy says:

    I see you’ve figured out the picture trail thing. It’s so funny because I’ve had more questions about how to add them this week. They’re great though aren’t they?!? Love your photos. = )

  6. BunnyBear says:

    I’ve had days like that! I love that picturetrail, will have to check it out!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Julie, these are such cute pics (but of course!) ….

    I've sorta felt the same way lately … I think for me it's because my calendar is on overload and it just puts me in an odd slump and can really drain me inside out (at least it feels like anyways) ….

    Oh man- I am SO wanting a big 'ol vacation (I like to dream so it's all good) : ) …. Oh and I'd be the happiest camper ever if by some miracle I woke up 40 lbs lighter….. (talk about a wild dream if I've ever heard one!!) = )

    Anyhow, here's to a better tomorrow, my friend!! : ) You & me both! : )


    Leslie : )

    Edited by Jedi4sweet on Mar. 31, 2006 at 12:45 AM

  8. juliepersons says:

    hang in there!!!! Hope things are better tomorrow!


  9. momanna98 says:

    I love how you described your mood! I have those SAME days!

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