When it rains it Pours….

I think I may have told some of you that someone got into my Paypal account and paid themselves about $1000….
Dell called to day and asked if I charged about $6000 in computer stuff.

“Ah, NO”

So off we go again.  I called the credit bureau guys and put a restriction on my credit and then I called all the people I have had credit with to let them know (per the credit guys suggestion).


Of course we got no school work done today but we did go to Bible Study this morning.  I guess I can check off “Bible” for the day and it's been pretty enough to play outside so check by PE. 

Then we went to the grocery store for store bought pizza and cupcakes since today is middle son's REAL birthday day.  Now they are outside running off the sugar.  All except baby girl who is climbing on my head as I type.

So guess I better go.
Pray the guys who have my credit info. would be caught.


  1. 3feistykids says:

    I can only imagine how scary and infuriating this is. (((HUGS))) I hope and pray it will be resolved soon.

  2. :Yuck! Praying that it all gets cleared up!

  3. Hope today goes better!!! Just take a deep breath…((((HUG)))).


  4. Oh no! That’s terrible! At least you don’t have to pay for all these things, right?

    Cool picture. Is photo shop something you bought? How much does it run?

  5. I pray that it all gets corrected without a bunch of hassle!!

  6. Will pray that all of this gets resolved and that they will catch the people who have done this!

    Julie D.

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