Motion Unit Study

Does anyone have a cool unit study on Motion
Free Resources to study Motion???
oh, it's for a 1st grader and a 4 year old
thanks julie~


  1. enchanted is a good one for free resourses. I don’t know about Motion, but check out Michelle aka eyecorn owns it. I ordered the Rock kit which is FABULOUS! She was VERY helpful too.

    0:) Amber

  2. Julie:

    This is a page with lots of links…it might have something on motion. I used it when I was doing simple machines with DD. It also seems to have sites for varying ages.

    This is another site I’ve used alot, too.

    Hope all is well!


  3. Jedi4sweet says:

    Hi Julie!! ; ) Just wanted to spend time catching up on your blog (cuz I’ve missed reading your posts the last few days or so while I’ve been kinda mia.) You are so cute in your avatar pic, btw!! ; ) I’m glad you’re back home sleeping in your comfy bed and I’m hoping that all the recent credit card probs disappear & get fixed asap!! ; ) Your dh sounds like such a blessing… and sounds like God is using him in mighty ways!! ; ) That is so awesome!! In college, I had a bumper sticker on my car that said, “Real Men Love Jesus” : ) I’m so glad we have “real men”!! ; ) God is good!! ; )

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