Christmas is over

Christmas is over and we anxiously await the new year.  My husband’s birthday is New Year’s Day.  My second born’s is in February so the birthdays are just cranking up.  As I reflect on this past year God has been so good to us.  He’s protected us and sheltered us from Satan’s attacks.  For this I am so thankful.  I remember a pastor once saying that all that matters is Jesus.  Jesus + Nothing = Salvation.  Just Jesus…..I like that equation.

Just recently my husband and I got to experience the Lord’s protection over our lives.  Satan was sneaking in to deceive when the Lord, in his infinite love, revealed to us the Truth.  The Truth.  Jesus.  Think on that.  My soul seems to rest inside as I think upon the Truth, the person of Jesus.

Why do we try to add to that?  He is so simple in his love for us.  So devoted.  Thank you Lord for seeking me even when I don’t seek you.  Forgive me when I put the things of this world before you.  Draw me near.  Keep me close.  Protect our little family in this big old world.

I look forward to another year in Christ.

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