Archives for December 2005

So we hear….

So we hear from the home front that
power was restored to our neighborhood this evening.  It's
comforting to know when we return home there will at least be a
termostat who's little red line has come alive once again.  For
those of you who haven't read last night's blog that little red line
had disappeared as a result of an ice storm. 

we went to the local Stuffmart to get diapers and a few things. 
Both my husband and I forgot our wallets/pocketbooks. 
Lovely!  My mother in law was kind enough to drive down the
mountain to bring us money at 9pm.  Have you ever tried to hang
out in the front part of Stuffmart and just wait?  Seeing how I'm
in the major throws of PMS I was just about to sell my second born for
diaper money.  If he has a quarter it must be spent.  I have
officially banned any purchases FOREVER until he can make it through
ANY store without begging me for everything he sees. 

As my easiest child my second born has this one area that needs lots of
work.  It must be a stage he's going through because he was so
good at saving money for a while.  Now it burns a hole in his
pocket.  If anyone has any suggestions for redirecting this
annoying behavior I'm all ears!

Well once again tonight I'm
lying in bed typing as my husband unwinds from our day
downstairs.  The heat is hopefully back on at home.  I'm
supposed to be out on a super romantic date with my husband (see last nights blog entry)
and instead I'm PMSing and recovering from our Suffmart trip (after a
cup of decaf and a chocolate bar).  As my kids say, “Not fair!”

Good night……

Well, It WAS pretty at first.

We woke up yesterday morning to a
winter wonderland of ice.  It was so pretty.  I went outside
to take pictures of all the beautiful frozen landscape.  It really
was gorgeous….until our power went out.  It took about half the
day for the temperature in the house to reach an uncomfortable 60

Thankfully I had followed my husband's lead
and called to make reservations at a local hotel in the event the power
didn't come back on.  It didn't.  So at 4:30pm we find
ourselves with enough stuff in the van for an overnight trip to the
local Ramada Inn.  Hey, their YP ad said they had an indoor pool.

Well, the pool's heater was broken so the kids shivered to death while
swimming as I stewed over the 130+ dollars I was having to spend for
two adjoining rooms in a hotel with all four of my children. 
Usually when we spend money on a hotel it's for a night out with an
overnight sitter at home.  Now this doesn't happen very often but
at least once a year we get away.

After the teeth chattering
dip in the pool we then return to the room only to hear on the local
news that it may be Tuesday when we get power again.  It's
Thursday night!!!  YIKES. 

This morning we
regretfully check out of our warm yet expensive hotel to return home to
a thermostat who's little red line has disappeared into the never land
at the bottom of the thing!!  I'm guessing it was about 45 degrees
in the house.  So we make the decision to leave for Alabama 2 days
earlier than we'd originally planned because, hey, mother in law has

Many miles later, many bathroom stops later, many “be
quiet before I stop this car” 's later and we're here.  And it's
warm.  But I had to throw out every bit of the food in my
refrigerator before we left.  All I could hear was CHING, CHING as
I  watched dollars being flushed down the toilet.  I silently
quote “God is in control.”  “He has a reason for
everything.”  etc. etc.  And trying to figure out His
reasoning behind me emptying my refrigerator into 4 garbage bags.

On top of it all I find out my husband had 100 dollar NON REFUNDABLE
tickets to see The Nutcracker tomorrow night, plans for a wonderful
dinner AND an overnight babysitter so we could spend the night away
from home.  All which had been planned for over 2 months. 

So here I sit, alone in my bed
as my husband unwinds downstairs knowing he'll have to sleep with the
two that aren't on the floor beside me tonight.  And I MAKE myself
remember “and to everything in ALL circumstances give thanks”.

So here goes…
I am extremely thankful for heat tonight.
…..for a warm bed
…..for 4 healthy kids
…..for a place to go that's warm
…..for a husband that cared enough to plan an awesome evening even if we had to give those tickets away.
….for a God that knows I fret over money and feel like we just dug ourselves even further into THE HOLE.
….for a blog to express it all.

(But I really wish I was spending tomorrow night with my hubbie wining
and dining only to return to my own warm house where my wee little ones
have been well cared for by a loving friend.)

I do believe I've had enough of today.
Nighty night….

Funny what a dollar hat can do…

Okay, I give up.  I've tried to blog four times tonight and I've managed to erase my blog every time!  I give up!!!

So here are the pictures I wanted to tell you about but can't.  It must be the almost full moon.

The dollar store hat purchased tonight…..and the robe worn to dinner last night (in public) and out tonight….

Baby girl wouldn't cooperate with the hat but managed to empty the chair of all it's pillows and pose for a shot…….
“Here's my foot mommy!!!”

My children have a talent for finding pumpkins in the woods. 
Whether thrown out by neighbors or found in a magical pumpkin patch
only kids know about, I am unsure.  Nevertheless we painted
pumpkins on December 12th.  My thirdborn wants me to carve
it.  I refuse to do so but once a year!!!

So after 3 failed attempts at blogging tonight…
Happy Halloween, oh I mean, Merry Christmas!!!


Funny Stuff

This morning my second son was
complaining about not having enough money (for what I have no
idea!).  So I told him if he'd make up all the beds I'd give him a
dollar.  He stands there for a few minutes and then says, “How
about a dollar and a quarter?”
To which I laugh loving his already sharp business skills.  Who can argue with that?  He takes after his mama!!!

Then yesterday as I was finishing some Christmas shopping ALONE my
husband calls to tell me all three boys have come into the house from
playing outside.  They got three Stuffmart bags, put bananas and
peanuts in the bags and said they were going on a mission.  All
three leave the house with bags on their backs like backpacks.  My
husband laughs as he watches them march across the yard having no idea
what they are up to.  About half an hour later they show back up
having been on a fire ant mission. 

We have a drainage
area behind a neighbors house with lots of good SC red mud.  The
fire ants love the area.  And my sons love to go stomp on their
mounds and watch them swarm.  I mean what's a few bites compared
to the instant reward of thousands upon thousands of swarming fire

Boys!  They never cease to amaze me!!!!!
Meanwhile our baby girl is content to sit on her daddy's lap and watch
football doting sweet 18 month kisses on him every so often.  As
you know this only causes her to further wrap him around her ever
precious little girl finger!


Growing old

I had my second EVER mammogram
yesterday.  Although not as unpleasant as some describe having
another woman handle THOSE is a little uncomfortable.  Can't you
imagine her “after work” conversations……

“I'm going to start selling IVORY soap as a side job.”
“Do you know how hard it is to get NOTHING squeezed between two pieces of metal?”
“I had no idea those things can be shaped like bananas (cantaloupes) (watermelons) (peas).”
“This one chick screamed today when I got her all mushed in there like I was killing her or something.”

Her comments to me were…..
“Someone should have told you we don't do mammograms in the winter we do freeze and squeezes.”
“We're going to do three pictures of one side because it's not good to freeze and rethaw meat that many times.”

So I can just imagine the “over dinner” conversations.


Eight boys and No Party

Tonight we had my oldest son's birthday
party.  Since he was born on Christmas Day we usually celebrate
early enough for him to have friends over.  I like to pay more
attention to their birthdays since we try to concentrate on Jesus at
Christmas.  They know there isn't a Santa and we celebrate
Christmas because it's Jesus's birthday.

So this year I
offered him a party or the money I'd spend on a party.  He chose
the money but then decided he'd like to have a few friends over for a
couple hours.  Okay, maybe I'm naive.  I'm thinking a couple
friends over to play, like a party but not really a party.

right!  One thing leads to another and before I know it I've spent
money on paper plates, napkins and a tablecloth.  Then a small
present from the family for him.  I thought I'd order pizza. 
Big mistake.  I forgot Dominos had the deal where medium one
topping pizzas are $5 each and I order larges.  Three pizzas ran
me $40.  Can you believe it?  I about had a coronary.  I
was sure the lady on the phone misquoted the price but sure enough the
guy at the door says 38.55.  Can you spell ROBBERY? or STUPID?

I guess I spent about $40 at Stuffmart, $40 bucks on pizza.  I
could have done a blowout at Gattistown for $120 bucks.  Boy did I
learn my lesson.  Feeding 8 boys, buying pizza, a small present,
oh and I forgot the $14 for the cake!  There certainly wasn't much
left over for the “I want money” fund. 

Then add 8 boys hiped up on sugar from suckers, cake, those yucky puffy cheetos and juice boxes.   We had one doozie of a NONparty!

Tired and ready for bed,

Sparky has got the idea!

Now this is where we should spend Christmas!

Well for all you who read my Christmas decorating blog entry (see
below) we have recovered nicely.  Things really haven't slowed
down much but at least the decorations are up and now I can enjoy
them.  The kids love looking at all the greenery and lights in the
house.  Do you think the house looks naked after Christmas? 
I do. 

The church middle school group had their last
“get together” here last night.  They ate downstairs, sat by the
campfire and did the middle school thing.  Some of those girls can
talk faster than I can think.  They left my head spinning. 
With only one other female in the family (18 months old) I've got a a
lot to look forward to.

But, anyway, onto the reason for my
blog today…I thought after all the hussle and bussle of decorating
Sparky lying underneath the tree reminded me of sitting at the feet of
Jesus.  Which is where I should be this time of year, basking in
the light of my Savior.  I must constantly remind myself of Mary
and Martha, remembering that busyness is not where I draw my
strength.  It is only in my desperateness that find my Savior.

“So let's all go lie underneath our trees and drink in Jesus.”  All the other stuff can wait.

Merry Christmas

Who Invited Norman Anyway?

I joined the ranks of all the people in the world who somehow managed
to allow Norman Rockwell to invite himself into our homes to decorate
for Christmas.  Who d
oes this guy think he is flitting around all over the world showing up when we least expect him?

I don't know about you but I didn't invite the guy!  He comes and
things still aren't magical, warm and fuzzy as I drag box after box out
of the attic.  The tree….always a pain, was again this year….a
pain.  The kids managed to act their worst today while my husband
and I are struggling to get that blamed tree into it's stand. 
Didn't we buy one of those new fangled things a couple years ago that
was supposed to make this easy???  That four letter word (easy)
shouldn't even be used near a Christmas tree.  All this to the
lovely tune of “Can we decorate it now, huh??  huh??  Can WE PLEASE???”

Norman didn't bring his fairy godmother with him to clean up all the
boxes of stuff leftover.  What does one do with all the stuff they
move to make room for Christmas stuff?   Loving hubbie
trudges back up to the attic to try and find a place to store them,
none too happy I might add.

Maybe Tequila would have helped!  Norman sure didn't!!
know it's supposed to be a wonderful time of joy and all that stuff BUT
my idea of a wonderful beginning to the Christmas season is leaving for
the weekend.  Martha shows up to decorate.  I return home to
a beautifully decorated house.  The second week in January I leave
and return home and all the decorations are packed away and all the
regular things are back in place and nice and orderly.

Girl, SIGN ME UP!!!!  Participation is HIGHLY overrated!!!!

so we got the tree up.  At least that's done.  I then head
off to the movies with two of my boys to see Yours, Mine and
Ours.  It was a good movie and I got to chuckle and laugh and
praise God my father that I do NOT have 18 children.  Although
living in a restored lighthouse mansion wouldn't be too bad. 

So then it's back in the car, back to the real world.  More lights
have made their way outside since leaving for the movies.  I
assess the situation as I drive up.  House looks good.  Lots
of lights, not to tacky, more elegant in it's nature except I still
wish I had a runway of lights leading to a cross.  It's a
wonderful visual of being drawn to the cross maybe I can makemy own
smaller one in my
spare time

content to have gotten the tree in it's stand and to put lights on the
tree tomorrow I fix dinner, clean up spaghetti (remember I have an 18
month old) from walls, floor, child, booster seat, underneath table,
& off windows.  Then I clean poop from the tub while my hubbie
holds child after she slipped on the lineoleum when she peed on the
floor, popping her head good. 

Well, my better half wants
to put lights on the tree tonight.  I'm feeling wonderfully well
and rested after 36 hours of fever and nausea…..
Oh, lets do ONE MORE thing.  This of course led to the Snowvillage
stuff going up.  Now granted, it's easier to do with the little
ones asleep.  I just wish I was asleep with them.

Norman, next year you better just pass on by bigguy!!!!!
You are not welcome here unless you've got Martha in tow, your fairy godmother and a bunch of elves!!!

then I can sit back, relax , enjoy the decorations OTHERS did and spend
time with my family without being that little green guy who steals
Christmas trees.  Because I'm feeling a little grenchy about now.

A new look

is going to flip but yes, I changed my blog AGAIN.  I just can't
get a look that's really me.  Or maybe “me” is constantly changing
my look.  Either way, as I sit in my bed battling fever, body
aches and whetever else it is I caught from my sweet little ones I had
to do something.  My body hurts no matter what I do. And my eyes
hurt too bad to watch the junk on TV.  Advil isn't really helping
either.  I think this is one of those times I wish I had bat boots
so I could hang upside down.  My feet are the only thing that
don't hurt.

So many things call.  The Christmas
decorating, baking, taking care of the family.  And all I can do
is snuggle in the bed aching and popping Advil.  It's ironic on
the days I'm so busy being laid-up-sorry in the bed sounds
wonderful.  I think it's without all the body aches though.

Hope you have a great Friday.

Tagged by Fish in my Hair

I got tagged today by Fish in MY Hair….
I usually don't do these things but it was a great moment of self reflection which I don't get to do much.
Happy Sevening…..


7 Things To Do Before I Die

1.  See all my children accept Christ
2.  Experience God's healing power
3.  Go somewhere romantic with my husband for a week
4.  Meet one movie star
5.  Homeschool one of my kids through highschool
6.  Travel the country in an  RV for 6 months with my family
7.  Go sking in CO one more time with my hubby


7 Things I Cannot Do

1. Get organized in a way I'm really happy with

2. Crossstitch

3. Get my children to do all the housework while I sit around reading and eating bon-bons.

4. Begin reading Lord of the Rings.

5. Golf

6. Play mini golf ( I get so mad)

7. Keep all my kids well through one whole entire winter.


7 Things That Attract Me To My Husband

1. His love for Jesus.

2. His biceps.

3. His butt.

4. When he puts his tool belt on.

5. When he plays with our children, reads to them or gives me a night off

6. He's a great encourager!

7. He's not scared to be funny.


7 Things I Say Most Often

1.  “Be kind to each other.”

2. “Have I told you I love you today?”

3. “Sparky” (dog)

4. “Do you have your shoes on yet?”
5.  “I'm hot.”

6.  “What's wrong?”

7. “It's too expensive.”


7 Books or Series I Love

1. Bible

2. Codependent No More – Melanie Beattie

3. This Present Darkness – Frank Peretti

4. Piercing the Darkness – Frank Peretti

5. Victory over the Darkness – Neil Anderson

6. Dominion – Randy Alcorn

7. Deadline – Randy Alcorn


7 Movies I Watch Over and Over Again (or would watch over and over if I had the time)
1. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

2. Ms Doubtfire
3. The Hunt for Red October

4. The Titanic

5. The Little Drummer Boy

6. West Side Story
7. The Sound of Music


7 People I Want to Join In, Too

1.  NotQuiteJuneCleaver
2.  Lisalouhoo
3.  tn3jcarter
4.  funnyfarm
5.  sagerats
6.  thewestiecrew
7.  dandelionseeds
