Funny what a dollar hat can do…

Okay, I give up.  I've tried to blog four times tonight and I've managed to erase my blog every time!  I give up!!!

So here are the pictures I wanted to tell you about but can't.  It must be the almost full moon.

The dollar store hat purchased tonight…..and the robe worn to dinner last night (in public) and out tonight….

Baby girl wouldn't cooperate with the hat but managed to empty the chair of all it's pillows and pose for a shot…….
“Here's my foot mommy!!!”

My children have a talent for finding pumpkins in the woods. 
Whether thrown out by neighbors or found in a magical pumpkin patch
only kids know about, I am unsure.  Nevertheless we painted
pumpkins on December 12th.  My thirdborn wants me to carve
it.  I refuse to do so but once a year!!!

So after 3 failed attempts at blogging tonight…
Happy Halloween, oh I mean, Merry Christmas!!!


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