Want some great ideas???

Aren't the best ones stolen (or borrowed)???  I have two I've
thought of today as I looked at my newest issue of Family Fun. 
It's such a great magazine! ( www.familyfun.go.com )

Great idea #1
I got this idea from a magazine but
can't remember which one.  The family in the magazine celebrates
Thanksgiving each year by using a white tablecloth on the table. 
Each year the children and adults write the things they are thankful
for with fabric markers.  Each year they pull out the Thanksgiving
Tablecloth and have loads of fun adding to it and reading what was
written in the previous years.  Isn't this a great idea??? 
Especially if you have small kids….you get to see how their
handwriting progresses as well as their spelling and vocabulary. 
We're beginning ours this year.

Great idea #2
This is from a friend my husband used to work with.  His family
celebrated the “BER” months beginning in September thru December. 
I remember he loved the fall months and so they decided to celebrate
all of them instead of just the usual holidays.  They made up
their own family traditions (or stole some) and celebrated at the
beginning of each month with a special dinner. 

Sometimes they dressed up and danced.  I remember them just doing
silly memorable things that I'm sure their kids will carry with them
their entire lives. 

If you have any wonderful family traditions I'd love to hear them!!
We also make special pancakes every CHRISTtmas morning with reindeer,
snowman and CHRISTmas tree cookie cutter looking things we use on the
griddle.  Warning:  always use lots of cooking spray on the

Happy Ber months….


  1. Thanks for sharing.

    BTW, what a great looking family you have. I know you must be proud!


    Amy Beth <><

    Edited by MySmokyMtnHomeschool on Oct. 13, 2005 at 8:39 AM

  2. I like your #1 idea. that sounds fun. One year someone sent me a Thanksgiving tree. There were multi-colored construction paper leaves that the kids wrote the things that they were thankful for and then we taped them to the branches. I should do that again… the kids loved it.

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