Rediscovering your hubbie (or wife)

With all the hub-bub of daily life I sometimes I forget to look at my wonderful husband and remember the man I fell in love with.  I mean, what DID we do before we had kids, homeschooled, carpooled, took karate lessons, and began helping our church in a start-up venture?  It's really hard to remember those two years before we began having children.  I'm sure our life was wonderful but WHAT DID WE DO??


Inspired by an email I read earlier in the week I decided to find out a little about my husband AGAIN     so I emailed him a few questions I'd come up with…things I thought I'd like to know.



The thought occured to me that I could probably answer a lot of them about my children but isn't that out of order in God's priority list?


  1. God first
  2. My husband second
  3. My children third
  4. Everything else after that

I've included the questions I emailed  to my husband while he was in California this week in hopes that I may learn a little more about him.  I hope this will encourage you to rediscover that warm, wonderful body you snuggle against each night.  And who knows, maybe grandma can watch the kids one night so you can surprise him and do something he loves that maybe you've just forgotten.


Happy Rediscovering!!!!


What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite flower? or do you even like flowers?
What do you like doing for relaxation?
What is your ideal vacation?
Who do you admire the most?  and why?
What is your idea of fun?
What is one thing you wish I'd do more often with you?
What do you like best about our relationship?
What do you like least?
Do you want to take dancing lessons with me sometime?
What could I do for you to make you feel more loved?
What would you like to do together we've never done?
What could I do to let you know that I trust your leading our family?
If you could change one thing about our lives what would it be?



  1. I think we both know what the answers to many of those questions will be….. ARE YOU INSANE???!!!! Just joking. You go girl.

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