Life through a different set of glasses – Adoption Part 8

When I think of life since last Tuesday when my birth mother died I am faced with my own mortality.

What do I want to do before I leave earth?  What does God want me to do before I leave earth?

What will my own death be like?

Will I fight as courageously as my birth mom did?  Will I stare death in the face and say, “Not now.”

She fought brilliantly for as long as I had her in my life.  As I have gone through the last week I’ve been amazed at the people who actually read my blog and whose lives I have touched even though they never leave a trace that they’ve been here.  Hello all you ghost readers!

The last few days have been good days.  At first I thought I’d never survive the sadness I felt.  But I feel the prayers of the saints around me….. lifting me up, allowing me to function, to serve my family.

This beautiful arrangement from my husband’s work associates in Utah arrived on Saturday.  It reminds me so much of the seasons of life.  Although generally a fall arrangement reminding me that all things end it also reminds me of the blessing of being raised my adopted parents.  The cattails remind me of carefree days spent in my childhood by the lake with my aunts and uncles.  The details are sketchy of the house or the exact lake but oh how I remember the cattails.  The greenery reminds me that I still have work left here today.  This is the season of my life.  The yellow daisies remind me of the sunshine brought into my life by the Father, my parents (all four of them) and the orange and yellow flowers remind me of the brilliance of heaven.

Can you imagine what awaits us?  I asked my birth mom that if God allowed her to break the rules and send me a telegram I wanted to know what heaven was like.  And then I thought to myself, “Why would HE ruin the surprise and the splendor for any of his children?” And does He greet us all the same?  I’m kinda thinking he doesn’t.  Since he knows each one of us and he made each one of us I’m thinking he’s got something spectacular planned for each one of us.  Can you fathom that?

For any of you reading who do not know Jesus, may I introduce you to the most wonderful person in the universe?

He really is here.  And all it takes is you turning to see Him.

He’ll be the gentleman waiting at the front door of your heart.
