Homeschooling to School

Ok, it drives me crazy.

I don’t know how else to put it.  School freaks me out.

They forget to turn things in.  They tell me they know the test material and made a great grade on the pre-test and then make a bad grade on the test.

And the homework!  Sometimes I find them doing it in the morning.  WHAT??  Didn’t you remember LAST NIGHT that you had this to do?

I guess after so many years of homeschooling the lack of truly knowing what they are learning and if they know it until I see THE grade drives me nuts.  Especially when there is nothing I can do about it then.  Ok, so it’s not about my lack of control is it??

Yep!  Unfortunately it is.

It’s hard to watch them do well one minute and then bad the next.  It’s a roller coaster.  Now, if only I had conscientious, studious nerd kids…….

However, I have normal, “what’s the big deal with school?”, “Is it really that big a deal, Mom?”, BOYS!!  Play in the dirt, hit someone at football practice, lets get dirty, boys!  Real kids.

They care, to some degree.  But not to the degree I care.  And where is the line between the life of hard knocks and making them study.  Doesn’t life teach consequences better than I?  After all flunking is pretty embarrassing.

Ok, no one is flunking, except maybe me.  Going from homeshooling to school is tough stuff on this mom.  It IS the life of hard knocks, of letting go, of not knowing, of hoping I did my job beforehand.

Christmas 2008….#1 son was 9 turning 10.  (My youngest son is now 11…sniff, sniff)

Thinking of the luxurious hours I’d have while my beautifully attentive children sat in class and absorbed information like a sponge was a pipe dream.  I no longer drop them off and I’m returning to gather them after laundry, cleaning, running errands and such.  It’s then the rubber meets the road as we begin the DHB Dance.  Oh, you  haven’t heard?  It’s the Dinner, Homework, Bedtime routine.  UGH!

Having known when they were little how much harder life would be when they were older I think maybe, just maybe, I would have basked in the babydom a little longer.  It felt like survival then.  Now I long for those nothing days.  Yes, I was needed in different ways then, but the days seemed full of playing in the yard, play dates at the park, the zoo, lunch in the yard, big wheels down the driveway at breakneck speeds……squeals, giggles and tears…..scraped knees, Dora bandaids and boo boo bunnies.

Naps and kitties…..

Christmas with cousins 2008….

Now it’s school, hormones, puberty, and all the things that come with teens and tweens.  Attitudes.  Moodiness.  Separateness.

And one day they will be off to college and I’ll look back at these days and think the exact same thing.  How does one develop the mindset of eternity, see things in perspective and parent with love and logic?

Well, this gal is attending a class in which I hope to learn just that ….. Love and Logic.

And I’ll share all my wisdom with you if you want.  And even if you don’t want.

It’s my blog, right?

Love your babies!!  And remind me to love mine, even though they are not babies any longer……


We both assumed kids in school would mean rest.

I thought it would mean easy.

God, apparently, had other plans.  It’s not easy.  And tho there is some rest, it’s not what we thought.

Some nights are ridiculously hard.  However difficult, God seems to sweep into our mess and make something beautiful out of what feels so sloppy to me.  I don’t claim to understand it or get it.  I just know He is bigger than my junk.

Raising kids isn’t for the faint at heart.  We pray, we question, we doubt, we encourage, we cry out, we breathe deeply and we try all over again.  We fail.  We scrape our knees.  We bump out heads.  Yet, we get back up and try all over again.  Because that is what parents do.

Who knew giving birth all those years ago would turn into life lessons for us and not just our babies?

For those of you that still have little ones, I know it’s hard, but breathe in the days where they are physically exhausting and not emotionally exhausting.  Sit with them.  Forget the laundry and the dishes.  Breathe in your child.  Enjoy them.  And remember, one day you will blink and they’ll be teenagers.

You can call me then!  I have a big shoulder to cry on!

I Thought This Was Supposed to Be Easier!

This is exactly what came out of my husband’s mouth the other night as I ran around in a frazzled state getting lunches ready for the next day.

And it’s exactly what I’m thinking after three and a half weeks of four children in school after homeschooling for 7-8 years.

Honestly, I hate it.

Not because it is bad or wrong.  It is just HARD.  VERY HARD.

One week is successfully navigated just to have another dumped in my lap.  The homework never ends.  The projects never stop.  I feel like we are never “ahead of the game”, this steep learning curve certainly over-rated.

My babies are growing up.  My life and my role are changing.  I’m learning “how to do school” at a break neck speed.  I think I need to help my children navigate though their own change yet I honestly think they are doing better than I.  The hours I have at home alone seem like seconds as life suddenly is passing at a speed I would have never fathomed.

As a homeschooling mom one walks a tough line between teaching our children they do not have to run at the speed life dictates (or conform to this world) and equipping them for exactly that (being in this world but not of this world).  And maybe it’s that way with all moms, but I’ve never felt a part of that group like I feel now.

I was and still am not a follower.  I role upstream.  I like different, but I don’t like change.

What if God wasn’t carrying me?  The thought strikes fear in my heart because if I’d been plucked from my home and set in the middle of the Iraqi desert I wouldn’t be any more uncomfortable.

I can not do this.  “Not on your own,” He whispers.

So, I cry behind sunglasses on the way to school.  I cry at home.  I cry at night.  I cry at my computer.  I cry at Target.

“Did I do a good enough job?  Will they succeed?  Will they fail?  Can I help them when they do both?  Am I supposed to?”

As I fall apart at the seams the Holy Spirit comes alongside and gives me the biggest hug.  It’s a mind blowing hug.  It sucks the very life out of me and puts it right back.  It knocks me over cold!  And it picks me up.  It steals all that I am and gives me all that He is!  It’s life-altering, heart-breaking and God-sent.  It’s horrible and wonderful all at the same time.

I really am a wreck.  But I’m so thankful I’m His wreck.  How could anyone survive without knowing that as screwed up as we are, we are His.  I’m a mess.  I’m frustrated.  I’m sad.  But I’m His.

And one day I’ll rise again, just as He did, and I’ll be able to look the world in the face and say, “Bring it on!”  but right now all I can do is cry and hope that people don’t think I’ve absolutely lost my mind.

Maybe one day soon I’ll feel stronger……like I’ve got it all together.  But I almost hope not.  Because when I do I’ll get knocked down again and reminded of how desperate I am (we all are) for a Savior.

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

In Christian circles this book has been all the buzz for a couple years now.  I believe we have 5 copies in our house.  It’s an anointed little book.  We have several of the one subtitled Devotions for Kids.

My friend, Scooper, who’s heart is near mine in this year of kids going to school…..something we never thought we’d do…..texted me saying, “Have you read Jesus Calling today?”  This morning I finally remembered to do so.  Although her experience was dropped in her lap like a bomb (Your kids need to be in school), mine came gradually over this past year (I’m sending them to school next year).  Both are hard.  Both are different.

On August 23rd Sarah Young writies:


Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son. – Genesis 22:12

It is important to love those around you.  In fact, My second greatest command is to love your neighbors as you love yourself.  But you must never forget My greatest command – to love Me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  Only I am God.  And only I am worthy of worship.

Love your family, love your friends – but don’t worship them.  Don’t let your love for them crowd out your love for Me.  And don’t let a person become the center of your life.

Abraham had waited so long for a son.  When Isaac finally came, Abraham was in danger of worshiping his son.  I tested Abraham, and – as hard as it was – Abraham trusted Me to take care of Isaac.  And I did.

Trust me to take care of your loved ones.  They are safe with me.  Me Presence never leaves them — just as I never leave you.

So for all you moms out there who leave your hearts on a school curb each morning know that not only does your heart get out of the car with your children but Jesus does too.  Close your eyes and imagine Him walking with each one, holding their hands and surrounding them with legions of angels.  It’s all Grace!!  And as I’ve begun to tell myself daily, “Fly to Jesus and Live!” (lyrics by Chris Rice)

On School, Grace and Tears

My blog has been quiet the last two weeks.  In that time we’ve gotten three children who’ve been homeschooled for five years or more off to school and the other child, who did go to school last year, enrolled and started at a separate school.  Life for me, as I have known it, has changed.  A few of my BFFs from VFA (very far away) have texted or emailed to ask, “Did they start school yet?  You haven’t blogged about it.”

So here is the blog saying, “Yes, the kids have started school.”

It’s a huge adjustment year for us all.  Each one of the six of us are being remolded, shaped, squeezed and loved upon by our Father.  I have to say that although God has prepared me for these changes, taking upon the role of mom, prayer warrior and guide is hard.  No longer are my children fully dependent upon me for all they do in a day.  I sit in the afternoon and try to figure out their homework right alongside of them.  I’m back in school, no longer the teacher, but the student.

I drop them off curbside and instead of four getting out five hop out.  The extra traveler is my heart.  It marches into the school right behind my kids.  Then for 6 hours without them I’m on my knees.  Not always physically there, but in my heart and in my soul I’m there.  I’m raw.  I’m happy.  It’s not that it doesn’t feel right, it’s just hard.  I scramble to try my best to cook, clean, rest, iron, be happy, patient and loving.  Somedays I’m that mom.  Somedays I’m not.

Yesterday I snapped at my husband.  I spoke angrily to my oldest.  I picked them up from school with a few goodies I never buy for them to let them know I missed them yesterday.  I was glad to see them and wanted to give them an extra treat.  Then one of them says the grape juice tastes like medicine.  And I slightly begin to unravel.  Do I get an “A” for effort, at least?

How long did it take me to learn to live life with a grateful heart, with an attitude of thankfulness, realizing I have to CHOOSE gratitude?  I think I was in my 30’s.   I actually feel my brain stop, switch gears and tell my heart to be thankful….to concentrate on all around me that is good and to let the little things slide.  I wish and pray for this in my kids of 13,12,10 and 8.

“Thanks for cleaning my room or making my lunch or getting up 15 minutes early to make breakfast or putting a note in my lunchbox.” This fantasy world I sometimes long for isn’t necessarily realistic.  I was a selfish stinker as a kid.

Sometimes, tho, the little things feel like big things.  A tired mom maketh an overwhelmed mom.  A mom who has homeschooled doesn’t understand why they (school) can’t get done in 7 hours what I can do in 4 hours.  And why send home homework?  Who invented homework?  You (the school) has them for so many hours.  Can’t they be mine after 3pm?  Can’t families enjoy one another for a few hours between dinner, football practice, baths, packing lunches and getting to bed early enough to do it all over again at 6:30am the next morning?  Where do they learn balance in all that?

Frustrated, yes.

Having to live with it anyway, yes.

Glad they are at school, yes.

Trusting in God’s plan for our family this year is what gets me through each day.  Today is rest for me.  I sit on my bed covered in a blanket and preparing for a nap.  My good friend, Scooper, told me yesterday that one or two days of work equal just as many of rest for her right now.  She so eloquently writes:

God uses a day gone awry and a life run amuck to show me that plans, the little ones and the big ones, are to be held loosely. Control is an illusion. Middle School brings anxiety. Life defies expectation. Beauty blooms out of brokenness.

God has been so faithful to encourage me and my children through this transition.

One of these days I’ll sip coffee on the back porch with my husband and the illusion of control will be there, if only for a moment.  We’ll look at one another and smile.  We’ve walked through yet another patch of raising kids His way and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Scooper is right.


Every single bit of every single day is nothing more than abundantly lavished grace on thirsty children in need of The Father’s love.  Whether we realize it or not.

Can LearningRx Work After 50? A LearningRx Review

God brings many interesting people into our lives.  One such person, loved dearly by my entire family, is Ms. Kathy.

Ms. Kathy was a teacher for many years and has her M.ED. in Education and tutoring. Presently, she tutors children in reading, and tests homeschooled students to determine whether their performance is in compliance with state standards.

When Ms. Kathy tested my daughter, Danielle could not even finish the test for the grade level below her grade! When we explained to Ms. Kathy that we had just enrolled Danielle at LearningRx for one-on-one brain training, she suggested we finish Danielle’s brain training first, then bring her back for state testing.

Over the coming months, our progress with LearningRx piqued Kathy’s interest as she listened to me talk about the results I saw in my children.  Since Kathy comes in contact with many children in the course of her tutoring, she was curious whether LearningRx would be a good resource for other families as well. Kathy decided to take the LearningRx brain skills assessment so she would understand the process a child goes through when walking through the doors of LearningRx.  When Kathy got the results of her assessment,  she discovered that she had amazingly high scores in Short-Term Memory, Logic and Reasoning, Visual Processing, Auditory Processing and Word Attack. She was deficient, however, in Processing Speed and Long-Term Memory.

Kathy, 63, looked in amazement at her scores. They pinpointed recent frustrating struggles in her life. Kathy hated that she would walk into a room and forget what she had gone there for. She hated her increasing need to write things down or she would complete forget them.

Kathy decided to try LearningRx’s Max Online program.  Instead of training at the center she would train online at home.  After faithfully spending an hour a day with the LearningRx intensive online program, life took an unexpected turn, and Kathy left the country to spend several months with her daughter overseas.  Once she returned to the U.S. and settled back into a routine, Kathy decided to take a second cognitive assessment to see exactly how much LearningRx was improving her memory.

I crossed paths with her in the parking lot at LearningRx just a few weeks ago as she was going in to take her assessment. She was nervous, and hoped her assessment would show proof of the improvements she felt she was experiencing in real life. I talked with her a few days later to learn that her assessment scores were amazing! Ms. Kathy had increased her Processing Speed by 40 percentile points and her Long-Term Memory by 25 percentile points!  She was so excited!  I knew all along Kathy would do great.  She is a determined and purposed woman with a real zest for life.

I asked her what real life results she was seeing at home.  She said that the biggest thing that she has noticed is that she can find things now.  She had been spending way too much time hunting for things throughout the day. Now she remembers right away where she’s left things.  She is also taking a couple of college courses for recertification and is finding that she has to reread things a lot less and can work through the curriculum in a much more linear fashion.  She also sees a big difference in how quickly she processes information while she is driving.  She foresees a flood of her friends who are sixtysomething flocking to LearningRx once they hear of her experience.

Kathy is my first friend who is over 60 and a graduate of a LearningRx brain training program.  I am so excited to have played even a small role in her new relationship with LearningRx.  Since she has discovered what LearningRx can do, she refers many of her tutoring students to LearningRx, too.  LearningRx brain training is proving to be a blessing not only to me and my family, but now Ms. Kathy, her friends, and the struggling students she works with now and in the future, too!

(Read the beginning of our family’s LearningRx story here! Our daughter just tested and her scores were amazing!!  I can’t wait to tell you about each our three children’s progress!!)


To read more LearningRx reviews and stories from other parents visit:

From Homeschooling to Public School: What I’ve Learned About My Kids and Myself {Guest post}

Hi! I’m Scooper and I blog at a la mode: a little scoop for every slice of life. I’ve known Julie for nearly 10 years. We have journeyed through a myriad of highs and lows together–raising children, navigating marriage, and making tough decisions about the ways we educate our children. Here is my story. She asked if I’d post it here today and truly, I’m honored.


Sharing our journey from homeschool to public school is a scary topic for me. First of all, the way each family chooses to educate children is a deeply personal decision. We toss around words like “conviction” and “calling” because our deeply-held desires for our children flow out of our values and beliefs. And that’s as it should be.

The second reason I’m scared is because I am so all over the map on any given day. One of my closest friends {who homeschools} knows I can’t really talk about homeschooling right now. I can’t dish about curriculum like I used to. I’m still a bit fragile over the whole thing. Homeschooling was more of my identity than I’d realized.

My own convictions are not that cemented, which makes feel wishy-washy. I’m afraid that if I write about how public school has been great for my kids {and for me} and then we bring one or all of them back home in the future, I’ll have to eat my words. And my big fat pride just hates that.

The third reason I tread very lightly on this topic is because when one person’s conviction is not another person’s, well, things can become dicey. Sometimes educational choices can feel like religion or politics. We can become cliquish, dogmatic, self-righteous, and graceless. It doesn’t always start out that way but it’s easy to understand why this happens.

When you homeschool, you’re in the minority and you desperately need community and encouragement. It’s hard, it’s still sort of unchartered territory, it’s not “normal.” You need your people. And in some circles or certain churches, public schooling {or private schooling} can place you in the minority. You need community and encouragement too. Because it’s also hard and you need your people.

For nearly five years, I had my people. Oh I still had plenty of friends and acquaintances who were doing public school. But for very practical reasons, our lives did not overlap as much. So now I have my people who are still homeschooling and my people who are public schooling. I know what it’s like to do both. And because my family’s “way” is very much in flux and that is so uncomfortable, I cannot even begin to tell you how unsettled I feel.

My homeschooling community was amazing. I actually had friends in various homeschooling communities but we all did that weird thing of not sending our kids to school. Being “weird” is what bonded us all. I went to practicums and conferences. I read lots of books. I researched. I felt inspired. But in retrospect I’m realizing that I was also indoctrinated. Yes, that sentence was passive. The truth is, I indoctrinated myself.

There is a fine line between inspiration and indoctrination. It’s not always one or the other but we need to be wise in recognizing when it shifts from the former to the latter. I tried to be wise. I am a natural-born skeptic. I tend to be analytical and discerning. But sometimes our emotions trump our brains. I think that happened to me a little bit with homeschooling.

I still love the idea of it. Love. I know {and envy} homeschool families who do it beautifully and who have raised the most amazing, equipped kids. And because The Man and I reserve the right to change our minds, I may be a homeschool mom again.

But I won’t be the same homeschool mom.

I know myself better. And I’d pay myself better too. I’m also more able to recognize when inspiration shifts to indoctrination and I will run the other direction. Fast.

But I don’t just know myself better. I know my kids better too. And do you know why?

Because I sent them to school.

That sounds counterintuitive. In fact, plenty of homeschool families told me that homeschooling allows you to know your kids better. And it does. But moms and kids can also fall into ruts when they’re together all the time. Familiarity can breed contempt {or at least annoyance} but it can also create blind spots. At least it did for me.

I’ve learned that my son is infinitely more motivated when he’s surrounded by lots of people. A true extrovert, he is inspired by social energy. At home, he was smart but sluggish, capable but distracted. Going to school brings out the best in him and he has a way of bringing out the best in others.

He loves his classmates and his teacher and they love him. He is full of compassion, near tears when he tells me about the kid who gets in trouble the most. He has an uncanny ability to see past kids’ behavior and analyze the ways in which home and academic struggles influence poor decisions and leave certain kids at risk. It sort of freaks me out. He’s only 8.

But he’s totally normal too. When he comes home from school, he tells me what he’s learned but more importantly, how many interceptions he caught during recess. Today he informed me that he’s #5 on the Heisman watch. {Who knew that 2nd graders have a parallel football universe?} We spent last week at the beach and when we returned on Saturday, he told me that he couldn’t wait for Monday. What’s Monday? I asked. School! I just can’t wait to see everybody, he replied enthusiastically. I’ve no doubt he’ll cry on the last day of second grade.

I’ve learned that my daughter is crazy about science. She has recently declared that she will one day get a PhD in Biology and a Master’s degree in teaching. She’ll be an artist on the side. And though she will likely change her mind 17 times before she has to make those decisions, it’s exciting to see her excited. The girl has become enthusiastic and driven, thriving on the social and academic culture of school. She loves having different teachers who teach their subjects well and passionately. I’ve also observed that she studies for tests by recruiting a willing family member to be her “student” and then teaching the poor hapless victim her test material for as long as he or she will sit. It seems to work.

Though she can be quiet and appears shy, she’s demonstrated that she can be assertive when she needs to be, both with kids and with adults. She’s confronted meanness, frustrating group assignments, and missing {stolen} chocolates from her lunch box. And through all of this she’s learned that plenty of kids have home situations that don’t afford them the luxuries of two parents, intentional discipline, protection from things that 11-year-olds shouldn’t have to face, and a truffle or two in one’s lunchbox.

We’ve been able to process frustrating and unfair situations through the lens of grace. And this has been such a gift for both of us. In the words of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird,

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.

Sharing these observations about my kids probably sounds a bit braggy and indulgent. That’s not my intent. Truly it’s not. I’m simply bringing to light the qualities I couldn’t see so well when they were at home. Oh my word, my children have got their issues. I’m their mama and I see their mess in all of its glory. Sometimes their mess overwhelms me and like any other mama, I worry about them. I fight fear, I fret over grades, I desperately want them to do well. But that is no longer the primary goal.

Learning to climb into others’ skin…this is more important than learning math in just the right way or understanding history from a classical perspective. It’s more important than reading the greatest of books or being a National Merit Scholar.

Don’t get me wrong, they are learning math and history and science in ways that are engaging and effective. But they’re learning so much more. And so am I. The irony is that this sort of learning, this exposure to certain influences and unsavory topics, this is the stuff I wanted to protect them from. I still do.

But this is the world they will one day navigate without parental supervision and tutelage. So every day they get to practice being brave and true, loving and discerning. They will fail. They have failed. We all do. But every day they come home to me and we revisit the day. We “walk around in skin” and their father and I try to point them to truth and reaffirm our values. In many ways, we’ve become more intentional about these sorts of things since they went to school.

You see, we are still homeschooling but in a way that feels surprisingly richer and, I daresay, right. For us. At least for now. And I do know that come August, I may turn tail and run headlong back into homeschooling and want to delete this whole post. It’s possible. But this is where we are today and I’ve quit trying to predict the future.

One year at a time, one kid at a time, seeking God’s face all the time. That’s the motto The Man and I have adopted.

God gave us these kids years ago and we dedicated them back to Him, recognizing that we are mere stewards. He goes with them every single day.

I had not planned it this way. I thought I knew best. I don’t regret a single day of homeschooling and the lovely, messy days of togetherness we experienced. Writing about it in the past tense brings tears to my eyes.

It’s just that sometimes real life re-routes us in ways that feel like failure but are actually grace.


Thanks for allowing me to share my story here with you.

My Main Squeeze

It’s been a long time since I’ve sat and talked about my walk with the Lord over the past two years.

Since moving to Florida we’ve been on an amazing journey.  My darkest times were during our first year here.  We were renting a house, homeschooling in a far smaller space than we had done before and living in a gated community for the first time.  Yikes.  We’d moved from rural SC where peeing in the back yard was a sport in and of itself.  Now, we received nasty grams about the very way I’d potty trained three boys.  I cried.  I longed for our former home.  The kids missed their friends.  I missed my friends.  I wanted our yard, our woods, our life for the last 10 years.

I longed for the lifechanging Bible Study I attended.  I think I took one year off in my 6 years of having 4 children.  Those women there were my lifeline.  I grew, I cried, I loved and I was loved. Some of my best friends are still in my life because of our vulnerability shared during Bible Study.

There were nights of sitting on the porch crying with a friend from home because I’d had a child diagnosed with ADHD but had no answers, one wasn’t reading and I didn’t know how to help and one was dying to get out of the house and go to school.  My life was falling apart.  I felt like a failure as a mom.

The first year was dark, yet I knew Florida was where God wanted us.  Why?  He was certainly the only one who knew!!

As the first year morphed into the second light began to shine.  We discovered LearningRx through a friend in our homeschool group.  It was there I began to find answers to help my kids.  The folks there were kind and seemed truly interested in my children.  They offered hope.

Fast forward to today as I sit reading The Purpose Directed Business by Ken Gibson.

For those of you who’ve read The Purpose Driven Life you know what an impact that book can have on your life.

“It’s now about you.”

And it isn’t.  Those words offer so much freedom.  Freedom to be messed up, sad, happy, uncontrolled, hopeless, hopeful and most of all totally dependent.

Today, I sit and read feeling excited.  I’m excited that the man who founded the company God has used in my life is a Christian.  I’m excited to be a partnering parent with LearningRx.  I’m excited that none of this is really about me or about cognitive thinking skills (although high on my list), it’s about God.  It’s about what He wants to do through me, in me and for me.

He’s my Main Squeeze.  And I say that with the upmost respect.

To the one who knows me like no other…..“Thank you dad!  Thank you for stirring in me a desire that comes through you to reach other moms and children for your glory!  Open the eyes of my heart to see and love those you put in my path.  Expand my territory.  Be huge.  Be God!!”

Unlock the Einstein Inside – LearningRx

Did you know you can download Ken Gibson’s book Unlock the Einstein Inside for free? Are you like me and love free things? This is one of those must reads for moms, anyone looking to get Sartre or understand the brain better.
Click here to download the free ebook!

To read more LearningRx reviews and stories from other parents visit:

Hello there…

It’s been a long time since I’ve visited my ole blog.  Life has been crazy busy and I haven’t had much to say.  It’s been crazy February weather in Jacksonville.  Yesterday was 88 and Saturday the high is in the 60s.  My sweet husband and I will have been married 16 years tomorrow.  Friday night date night!!  Yea!!  It’s hard to believe 16 years and four children, the oldest being 13, have gone by like the wind.  God tells us our time here is fleeting and although the days sometimes seem to crawl, the years fly.

So Happy Anniversary to my sweet hubbie tomorrow!!

I love you.
