I was so proud….

He’s grown so much in the last 2 years.  When he first came to us he lived in such a small home.  We were proud to provide him a larger house, food and water. 

He’s been such an easy one to care for.

Then 2 nights ago he showed us he was ready for something bigger…….a condo maybe?  The apartment was getting cramped.  Oh how proud I was!!!!  I had raised a functioning “child”.

Look at him.  Doesn’t he look happy???

Hermie has changed into Herm-Anita!!!!!!

The next morning when we awoke we were saddened by his choice to return to the safety of his apartment.

Poor baby.  His first night in the condo must have scared him. 

But we are chearing him on……go Hermie…..you can do it.  It’s a big scary world but you have a big God who made you.

Honestly I was a little saddened…..sniff, sniff.  My baby wasn’t ready….where did I go wrong???

(this post in loving still alive memory of Andrea)


  1. Andrea Munson says:

    Love my Hermie. Danielle, please give Hermie his daily exercise and tell him I miss him.

  2. This made me smile. Our hermit crabs were not so happy with us. They did not live long, fruitful lives. However, I am great with fish. : )

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