Not just a football family any more!

We’ve been a football family for a long time.  Whether it has been flag football or the thump of pads during fall football season, we’ve been a football family since my oldest two were able to play.

Football, football, football.

But just as having our fourth-born being born as a girl has changed our lives from trucks, bodily function noises and wrestling, she is changing the face of sports in our family too.

Today, without a single practice because we signed up late, baby girl (sniff, sniff) played her first soccer game.

She sweated.  She ran.  And she was a trooper in 98 degree weather.

She played as a team.  She overcame her shyness very quickly.  She’d never met her coach or any of her team mates.

She cheered her team on!

She waved at me from the game and grinned when she did well.

We bought pink and black cleats, pink shin guards and a pink and black bag for it all to go in.  She was so  proud…..her own bag of sports stuff!!

And while I missed the older boys game today there was one big brother there to support her!

I bought him a Frog Togg for the hot weather.  I think he’s in love!

It was so much fun to see her trying something new, being a little scared but overcoming that fear, and enjoying herself and her team.  She kept telling me she wanted to stay in the game to help her team win.  I think my heart broke a little.  What character God is developing in her.

And after the game?  The tunnel!!!  The best part for all the kids!

So you go baby girl.  Be all God has for you to be and love him and chase him with all your heart!


LOVE, mom

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